Friday, March 15, 2013


Dearest Beloved,

Ok, so the post title was crappy. Sorry about that. I'm not very good with first posts...

So, who am I, why am I doing this, and what are my hopes and dreams?

My name is Victoria. I live in not-so-sunny California  in the Sacramento Diocese. I'm very involved in my parish as a CCD Catechist (that means teacher) a Eucharistic Minister, and several other small things. I'm a huge lover of the Sacred Heart, and I'm currently preparing for Marian Consecration. I'm using 33 Days to Morning Glory by Father Gaitely. I'm on day 16 now. Basically, I want to devote myself to the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts. My Patron Saint is St. Francis of Assissi, however I also love St. Maximilian Kolbe, St. Ignatius of Loyola, and St. Jean-Marie Vianney, the Cure de Ars.

Ok, so why am I doing this? Or, really, what is this even?

It's a Catholic blog (duh) that hopefully will record all of my religious happenings. Now, as a layperson, I'm going to point out right now that besides what God has granted me in my Catechetical ministry, I have no teaching power. In fact, really everything I say should be taken with a grain of salt.

I'm doing this, not only so that there's a record of some of my Catholic goings-on, but because I want to be part of the New Evangelization. Wait, the what now? The New Evangelization, a Catholic movement to bring Catechesis and the knowledge of the laity back to what it used to be prior to Vatican II. (I may refer to this as VII from now on. It doesn't mean 7)

What are my hopes and dreams?

Well, if this world would be perfect, this blog would lead people back to the Confessional, back to Mass, and straight into the Hearts of Our Lord and Lady. Since this world isn't perfect, I just hope that I can lead one person back to Confession.

What is the outline of this blog?

Who knows! Today I'll be writing several posts (this one, one on Habemus Papam, and probably one on Confession) and that trend may or may not continue. I'm hoping to do at least two posts a day, one on Mass, and one on whatever reading I'm doing that day. So check back often if you're interested.

May God bless all you do!


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